In a transformative move, the City of Oakland is embarking on a community-based re-envisioning of two of its library branches. This multifaceted, multi-year effort starts with feasibility studies, which include outreach events, surveys, design charrettes, concept drawings, and cost analyses, all designed to ensure a future library that best serves the community.
At the heart of this important initiative, the San Francisco Urban Film Festival (SFUFF) plays the pivotal role of bringing community members into the design process. Our involvement includes facilitating storytelling workshops and producing catalyzing micro-videos. These endeavors are motivated by the goal of giving voice to the people who will become the stewards and avid users of the future libraries.
Under the expert guidance of Keith Battle and a team of storytellers and filmmakers, small break-out groups come together to generate multifaceted and imaginative story ideas around how a future library might embody the hopes of the community. The storytelling journey extends further as filmmakers Shantré Pinkney and Avni Shah, with SFUFF’s Executive Director Fay Darmawi, interview key stakeholders. These oral histories will be incorporated into micro-videos telling the stories of Oakland’s future Hoover and Main Library branches.
As we continue on this creative journey, we invite you to join us in exploring the exciting transformation of Oakland’s libraries. Stay tuned for updates and insights into this community-focused initiative as we forge a more collaborative and people-powered future library together.