The 1982 Neo Noir Dystopian Classic Blade Runner depicts a world (set in 2019 LA) where a young Harrison Ford is tasked with chasing down and destroying escaped “replicants” – Humanoid Clones created as slaves, with no rights, and strictly forbidden from existing on the homeworld – Earth.
Preceded by Colin Marshall’s Video Essay on Urban Dystopia
Screenings followed by Q+A.
Colin Marshall
LA-based Urbanist
Pedro Lange Churión
Film Studies Professor, USF
Blade Runner
USA | 1982 | 117 mins. | Directed by Ridley Scott
This 1982 Neo Noir Dystopian Classic depicts a world (set in 2019 LA) where a young Harrison Ford is tasked with chasing down and destroying escaped “replicants” – Humanoid Clones created as slaves, with no rights, and strictly forbidden from existing on the homeworld – Earth.