Level 2 Storytelling Workshop – Case Study: Treasure Island Autonomous Shuttle
The SF Urban Film Fest is excited to partner with San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) on an intensive hands-on Level 2 Storytelling Workshop which will build upon the basics taught in the Level 1 Storytelling Workshop and apply the lessons learned to an urban planning process that is happening in real time – the implementation of the autonomous shuttle on Treasure Island. The SFCTA is developing an autonomous vehicle shuttle to help people get around the island and reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips because the population is expected to grow by more than 20,000 residents over the next 20 years. Working in small groups of 5 led by a team leader who is a storyteller/media maker, participants will develop a communication campaign for eliciting public feedback on the autonomous shuttle.
Eric Young & Paige Miller (Opening Remarks and Overview of the Treasure Island Transportation Plan)
Communications Officers, San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA)
Keith Battle
Filmmaker and Educator, Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC)
Fay Darmawi
Founder and Executive Producer, SF Urban Film Fest
Break-Out Group Leaders
Ken Fisher
Maria Judice
Omeed Manocheri
Leah Nichols
Susie Smith
Avni Shah