A Pandemic of Opportunity: What & How to Change the Public Realm


Do empty streets mean the city is empty? Silent storefronts, office buildings, public space, and transit — bellwethers for the profound effect that COVID-19 does and will have on the public realm and a healthy civic life. This program acknowledges and looks beyond the dire straits of the past year: office space at 25% capacity, a boom in public meeting places, decreased activity in city centers, a shift away from shared and public transport, & an acceleration in our reliance on digital services. Yet the chaos has opened opportunities for a more balanced, just, and sustainable urban reality.

Photo: SF Shared Shared Spaces


Robin Abad Ocubillo (Moderator)

SFUFF Program Producer, Civil Servant, Urban Designer

Vivian Doumpa

Planner and Geographer (Athens, Greece)

Jung-In Kim

Professor of Architecture, Soongsil University (Seoul, Korea)

Dr. Juliet Kahne

Director of Events, Project for Public Spaces (NYC, USA)


What a City of Eight Million Looks Like During a Pandemic
USA | 2020 | 6 mins
Social distancing and mass burials are now a part of New York’s cityscape. Here, front-line workers grapple with their anxieties about how the coronavirus has affected their city. Cinematography/Producer/Editor: Zack Taylor; Co-Producer: Zoe Taylor. Courtesy of The New Yorker.

The Streets of Seoul Under Quarantine
South Korea | 2020 |  6 mins.
Scenes from a day of weirdness under lockdown, as residents of Seoul practice social distancing to avoid spreading the coronavirus. Cinematographer: Seunggu Kim; Editor: Brian Redondo. Courtesy of The New Yorker.

The Streets of New Orleans Under Quarantine
USA | 2020 | 10 mins.
Scenes from a week of weirdness under lockdown, as residents of New Orleans practice social distancing to avoid spreading the coronavirus. Cinematographer: Kathleen Flynn; Producer/Editor: Dominique Hessert. Courtesy of The New Yorker.
